Wednesday 13 October 2010

Egyptian Excursion Pt. 3

I was able to sleep easier my second night at Arabian Nights. More than likely because I was exhausted after the ridiculously long day I had prior to going to bed. The good sleep was short lived though because we had to meet in the lobby for 7am to head out into the desert. I had a REALLY hard time deciding what to wear for that portion of the trip. The weather on Friday was weird because when the sun was out it would be like 80 degrees and then once a cloud came it would be in the high 50's out of nowhere. How do you dress for that kind of temperature drop?! I opted to wear leggings for comfort on the long drive, my all purpose denim shirt with a white tee, my green leather and orange scarf. Oh! And Let's not forget my loafers, great for walking... on streets, not desert sands. (Typically, I wouldn't describe an outfit but all these pieces become important later on.) I could have bypassed all the effort I placed into the decision making process because my entire room brought our suit cases along. Not that we didn't trust Arabian Night's locks, but just as a safety precaution because we knew we weren't coming back until the next evening and in the event we got delayed on the ride back, we wanted to have the option of heading straight to the airport.

Our ride arrived promptly at 7:15am and after another delicious serving of the exact same breakfast as the day before, we head out into the unknown with an adorable driver who spoke absolutely no English and only listened to traditional middle eastern music. There were SO many mirrors inside that vehicle it was ridiculous; his rearview had a rearview. I tried to ask him what he needed all the mirrors for but all I got was a chuckle and the volume turned up on me. Everyone was still pooped from the festivities of the night before so there was more sleeping than talking going on in the van. One of the girls, Anne, was EXTREMELY hungover from the night before. To this day, Tone and I still can't figure out what the heck she was drinking on to get wasted like she was. They served alcohol on the dinner cruise but it was insanely expensive and neither of us can remember her having a ton. Either way, Anne was green in the face when we pulled off and about thirty minutes into the ride we had to gesture to the driver to please stop so she could hurl. It was pretty gross but at least we were able to stop quickly enough for her to make it outside.

About twenty minutes after we got back on the road, we pulled over at a rest stop for a stretch. I guess you have to be a frequent desert caravan driver to know that this sole gray shack was a rest stop because there wasn't even one sign in Arabic or English that let us know it was coming up. Some of the girls went to the bathroom and said that they basically peed into an inclined hole that drained into a dirt troth behind the building. How nice! I decided I could hold it until further notice.

We got back on the road and I had my ghetto iPod with me so I put my head phones in so I could rock out. Now my ghetto iPod is really my American cell phone and it's music player application. I refer to it as the ghetto iPod because I do possess a real iPod, I just choose not to use it often because it's not updated with new music. I refuse to update it because my best friend since freshman year in high school put the majority of the music on there during our junior year (this was when I didn't know how to use iTunes) and sentimentally I can't bring myself to delete the songs he put on there for me. It's like a musical keepsake. Anywho, my soundtrack for the ride into the desert was 'ignant' to say the least, lol. I listened to so much Young Money it was ridiculous. I have about 700 songs on my phone but between No Ceilings and We Are Young Money, I could not get away from the camp. There was a lot of Trey Songz, Wale and some Reggae in the mix as well. I felt like I should have been listening to something more meaningful and relative to the epic-ness of the trip but whatever! I was cracking up the whole time at Weezy's nonsense lyrics.

The ride into the desert was soooooooooooo+thirty more o's LONG. The 5 hour ride seemed like a never ending journey and that has everything to do with the lack of scenery. Sand. Mountain. Sand. Road. Sky. Clouds. Repeat. I was in and out of sleep for about three hours and every time I woke up I couldn't tell that we made any progress. Not to mention the lack of signs! I was convinced that the driver either had no real destination and he was taking us to whatever camp site popped up first OR he was connected to the desert on a level of consciousness that required him to use his sense for direction. No maps, no directions, no GPS turn-by-turn directions. Just a can full of college kids putting all their trust into a driver. In between sleeping and jammin, I was praying that we'd make it home safely. Though the scenery was monotonous, it was strikingly beautiful. Looking at endless road and infinite sky, trying to figure out where they'll meet makes you feel like anything is possible.

So finally, after I exhausted my playlists, slept in all the different positions one can manage in the front seat, and played several rounds of the cloud bursting game we finally arrive at a real live desert Oasis. Our driver dropped us off to a new set of drivers who proceeded to take our Passports to make copies "Just in case." Of what? They wouldn't tell us, but that's fine. While waiting for the copy process to take place, a few of us went to a convenience store to grab something to munch on. There was the cutest little boy standing on the steps and he reminded me so much of my little cousin Nasir that I decided to give him some pounds to buy a snack. He said "Shukran," sweetly and I went back across the street with the group. As I'm standing around chatting, I see the little boy dart up the street and around the corner with his snacks and then come back no more than 1minute later empty-handed. I thought it was strange but maybe he was THAT hungry and he felt uncomfortable eating in front of people. I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. Especially children.

Instead of walking back over to the store, the lil cutie patootie walks over to the group and is looking at all of us with this big toothy grin. I asked him what his name is and he answered in broken English "I am Mohammed." That was the most he could say but I appreciated our slight bit of communication. I gave him my bag of chips and he gladly accepted them and began munching away. By the time he finished we had loaded back up into a new car, this time it was a jeep and it was me Gillian, Lauren, Sami (the official guide) and Mahmoud (the driver). The rest of the group drove in another jeep driven by a guy named "Whalid." Mahmoud and Sami had stepped out to handle some business and lil Mohammed made his way over to the window and began repeating the word "Fuluus" over and over again. Having yet to incorporate more than Shukran and La Shukran into my Arabic vocabulary, I had no idea what the child was talking about and I called Mahmoud over to translate for me. I should have let well enough alone because lil Mohammed almost got a beating from Mahmoud when I told him what he said. Apparently, "Fuluus" means money and lil Mohammed was trying to ask me for more of it. Mahmoud was visibly upset and apologized to me but I told him to take it easy on the little hustler.

After that we stopped by Mahmoud's house for him to grab his bag and then we stopped at a butcher to pick up some food for dinner. We got freshly killed and plucked chickens to go. I asked Sami how we were gonna turn the chickens into dinner in the desert but he told me not to worry myself with the details and just enjoy the ride. We drove three hours deeper into the Sahara and crossed through the Black and White deserts. Would you believe me if i told you we had to pay 40 pounds to get into the desert? It's only $8 but honestly, a toll booth in the middle of nowhere? I feel like Mahmoud could have driven around the booth and bypassed all the fees but I don't really know how the security works out there and the toll men did have really big guns.

In the black desert, we got out of the car and got to climb a mountain. I couldn't go up as high as I would have liked to because of my loafers. Couldn't get a grip and didn't wanna fall down and ruin the trip for everyone. I guess i could have taken my shoes off but I knew i wouldn't see a shower for 24 hours. Blah. I stopped half way. Some of the other group members made it all the way to the top and took pictures. Kudos to them and they're good footwear.

In the White desert, i climbed a smaller mountain and got all up in the rocks to take pictures. Tone took an uber awesome shot of him on the edge of the mountain wrapped in his traditional scarf. He looked like a grown up real life version of Simba standing on pride rock. I tried to be a big girl and walk down this mountain by myself but I defnitely slipped and had it not been for Tone and Kam I would have tumbled all the way down with my gripless shoes.

Then we went to the dunes and they were SO AMAZING. I've seen them on calendars and posters but in real life, nothing short of breath taking. What was also breathtaking was when I tried to get out of the car to go take a picture, Gillian slammed my fingers in the car door and I screamed at the top of my lungs. Sami came to my rescue and said "I thought your leg got caught in the wheel or something! For this, we don't have to turn back." I smiled through my tears and managed to stop crying long enough to take a group picture. Afterwards, we drove down into the dunes at top speed and then did donuts until our tires got stuck in the sand and we had to dig each other out. Fun. Reckless foreign fun.

Sami finally instructed Mahmoud to pull over and we set up our camp site. Along the way we picked up another set of campers in a third jeep and the drivers parked the jeeps into an open square formation to create a little fort for us. They laid blankets and pillows down in the middle and set up two camp fires. One for cooking and one for warmth. While they were setting up the camp, everyone ventured off to use the bathroom before it got too dark. Being the genius that I am, stole a roll of toilet paper from the hostel just in case there wasn't any in the desert. As I suspected, there was none and my toilet paper came in handy but I decided I was only gonna do Number 1's until I got back to the city because I didn't want to run out of paper and be walking around all squishy and smelly for the rest of the trip.

So after I get back from my bathroom run, this group of girlfriends that I came out with asked me if they could borrow my toilet paper and I said sure no problem! I'm not gonna hold out on the homies! I gave these girls the benefit of the doubt and assumed that they would know to ration off the toilet paper sensibly seeing as how it wasn't theirs. I feel like any respectable person would have known to do that in such an extreme situation. Needless to say, the girls get back from behind their rock all giggly and I asked "Hey, wheres my toilet paper?" and Blair walks over and whispers "I'm really sorry Tracy, but we finished it. We did number 2 and I mean, its four of us. Ya know?" Sooooo because all of you had to relieve your bowels I'm supposed to just take the L and carry on with no tissue for my behind? Oh iight. I was mad but it's not like I could send her to the corner store to buy me a new roll. Psh.


The meal I ate in the desert was hands down the most delicious meal I ate the entire time I was abroad. The drivers had to secretly be world class chefs because to throw down like that in the middle of nowhere has to be a learned skill. We knelt at a make-shift table and ate a two course meal of lentil soup, and roasted chicken with rice. Scrum-diddly-umptious.

As the sky darkened and the air got cooler, I started to realize that my little outfit was not going to be enough to keep me warm for the night. We huddled around the fire for warmth and talked and sang for hours. I specifically remember two things:

1. Tone, Kam and I had a long conversation about whether or not he would still live in his old neighborhood after he becomes famous. He said he's leaving and not looking back and I called him a sell out. I told him I'd try my hardest to still live in New York City if it was suitable to my career.
2. Sami the tour guide was IN LOVE with Tone and I. He wanted to know everything about our "family" and would make little jokes about us. The best was this song he was singing in Arabic about Sweet Potato's and Chocolate. He started singing it in English and pointing at Tone and me. It was cute. We felt special.

Some of the group members were brave enough to walk away from the fire to get a better look at the stars but not me. The darkness that surrounded us was the darkest of darknesses I had even seen in my life and I am scared of the dark! Not to mention, I saw some desert foxes bravely trotting into our camp. I really wasn't interested in whatever other creatures were lurking about. I will say that it felt like the stars were insanely close to us. There were MILLIONS of them and they may as well have been sitting on top of my nose. Being out there was truly a humbling experience. No one in my family knew where I was or what I was doing, I had no phone, I barely knew the people who brought me there and I only had one true friend with me. All I could do was have faith in the goodness of the world and put my irrational fears of being left in the desert to fend for myself aside.

As the fire died down, Tone, Kam and I decided to sleep in the truck on top of all the luggage because sleeping outside was too cold and too daunting for our liking. I don't know why we assumed it would be warmer in the truck but we could not have been more wrong! It was FREEEEEEEEZING. Like white air coming out of your mouth, teeth chattering, can't feel your fingers or toes cold. All the homeless people in NYC who opt to sleep outside rather than head to a shelter in the winter are CRAZY. And for Abraham to not warn us that it was going to be winter like conditions was not fair at all! But whatever. We made it through the night, watched the sunrise, ate a delicious breakfast and began our journey back to Cairo.

First we had to get back to the Oasis to meet with our driver. He was running late so Whalid, one of the drivers, brought us to his house and served us tea (of course) and cookies. When the driver finally arrived, he took us plus the Dutchmen to the other side of town and then went to go hang out at the police station with his friends. This would have been totally fine if we didn't have a flight to catch at 10:20pm and a 5 hour drive ahead of us. 30mins later, 10 of which I was incessantly honking the horn, Elvis (he had the Elvis curl in his hair!) angrily gets back in the car and starts driving like a bat out of hell.

We make it back to Cairo by 6 but instead of taking us directly to the hostel Elvis ever so kindly drops us beneath the freeway and has someone translate to us that he can't take us further and he will be finding us some cabs. Red flag. Why can't you take us directly to where we need to go? And Why would you leave us in this very non touristy neighborhood looking like American deers in headlights? Whatever. So 30min later, the translator guy, who was kind enough to stay with us finds us some cabs because Elvis never came back. We tell the cabbies where we need to go and again, instead of taking us to the hostel, they drop us like 10 blocks away, PAST the market and tel us to get out. Okay. Fine. Us and all of our luggage will get out and walk this ridiculous journey with all of our luggage. That is fine. Imagine me and my zebra luggage pulling through the streets on a Sunday night. That SCREAMS tourist.

Finally we get back to the hostel and explain the story to Ahmad and Abraham and in the middle of our story guess who shows up? All the flat leavers, Elvis and the entire cab crew! These men tried to lie and say we told them to pull over and leave us on the side of the road and then they tried to ask us for money! Sike. My all inclusive desert trip was paid for on Friday night and you didn't even take me where I needed to go. Buzz off! Ahmad and Abraham had a rough discussion with the men in Arabic and when it was over they all apologized to us and Elvis ended up having to pay for the taxi's since he was responsible for our return. We had to head out to the airport a little while after that and Abraham had Ahmad buy us Kooshari (a traditional dish of rice, corn, beef, and veggies) as a goodbye/make-up for the horrible drivers dinner. The ride to the airport took an hour longer than we expected and Ahmad hopped out 20minutes in, claiming he wasn't dressed appropriately for the occasion. That really messed us up because our driver spoke no English and he dropped us at the wrong gate.

The next hour was like a scene out of a comedy novice travelers. Believing we were indeed at the right gate, we all sat down to eat our Kooshari leisurely. Once we figure out where at the wrong terminal, we jump on the shuttle that takes us to the "right one" but that took a total of 45minutes to happen and when we got there it ended up being wrong anyway. I can't accurately describe the amount of foolishness we went through but trust we literally ran all up and through the airport. Down narrow hallways, up shady stairwells, through security checkpoints, argued with guards and when we finally made it to the gate at 10:01pm they told us that the flight was delayed and hadn't even started boarding yet. We looked ridiculous sitting in the lounge all red faced, sweaty and out of breath but at least we made it.

I don't know if you realized this but there were no showers in the desert and I hadn't bathed since 6am Saturday morning. As soon as we made it back to Cyprus I turned on the water heater and took the LONGEST most AMAZING shower of my life.

I'll do a Visual Vacation entry so you can see the fabulosity of this portion of my journey.


  1. ok so im slightly sad that I texted u all my wonderful comments throughout reading your blog but baby cakes i am thoroughly satisfied! all the explicit juicy details created my own visual for me n yet i still can not wait to see the visual ;)

    ps where did the explanation of your outfit besides your useless loafers come into play?

  2. girl when i was FROZEN sleeping in the back of the truck! I put on socks and another shirt but it still didn't help because it was dead like ten degrees!
